There are many blessings that can be quoted - sometimes I think we call them promises. I would rather not do that today. Today I am thinking of blessings - God's thoughts toward us that in the end we sense His presence and know that He is near.
May the LORD answer you ... may the name of God protect you ... may He send you help ... and grant you support ... may He remember ... and accept ... may He give you the desire of your heart ... make all your plans succeed ... may the LORD grant all your requests.
When He answers you it will be graciously ...
"Who is there of the sons of men to whom a "day of trouble" does not come, whose path is not darkened at times, or with whom is it unclouded sunshine from the cradle to the grave? "Few plants," says old Jacomb, "have both the morning and the evening sun;" and one far older than he said, "Man is born to trouble." A "day of trouble," then, is the heritage of every child of Adam. How sweet, as I have said, how sweet the wish, "The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble." It is the prayer of another in behalf of some troubled one, and yet it implies that the troubled one himself had also prayed, "The Lord hear thee" -- hear and answer thine own prayer!" Barton Bouchier.
When He defends you it will be like you are in a tower high above the danger ...
"I was once goaded by a poor silly Irish papist to try it, who told me, in his consummate ignorance and bigotry, that if a priest would but give him a drop of holy water, and make a circle with it around a field full of wild beasts, they would not hurt him. I retired in disgust at the abominable trickery of such villains, reflecting, what a fool I am that I cannot put such trust in my God as this poor deluded man puts in his priest and a drop of holy water! And I resolved to try what "the name of the God of Jacob" would do, having the Father's fixed decrees, the Son's unalterable responsibility, and the Spirit's invincible grace and operation around me. I tried it and felt my confidence brighten. O brethren, get encircled with covenant engagements, and covenant blood, and covenant grace, and covenant promises, and covenant securities; then will "the Lord hear you in the time of trouble, and the name of the God of Jacob will defend you." Joseph Irons.
When He sends you help, you will sustain in conflict - a "holy" help
When He gives you support, along with physical benefits, things like courage will be added
When He remembers, it will be because it is His favour that He would like to give
When He accepts, you have secured the use of spiritual privileges.
Enjoy His blessings ...
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