
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Expel Guilt by Irreverence

This is one of six responses that we have built into our life systems to deal with our guilt.

Basically nothing in life is essentially sacred.

In fact, many who use this escape mechanism suggest that guilt is a conditioned response orchestrated principally by religion. They argue that religion is a hangover from pre-modern times and nothing falls into an actual category of right and wrong. Guilt should be erased from our society’s lexicon and jeered out of existence.

Television today indicates that we have licensed the wholesale ridicule of things once held sacred.  Are we beginning to erase?

Ravi Zacharias mentioned that he knew of a Jewish journalist who made the comment that Christians would be the Jews of the 21st Century.  Because there is little doubt that no other major religious voice in this world cries out for people to deal with sin, to repent, and to come to God for forgiveness than the Christian voice.  Hate and anger vented against the Christian gains momentum with a society that wants to live life without restraint - just look at our school system response to the Bible.

To expel moral law may seem very cavalier and liberating, but understand that irreverence is just another word for self-worship and the destruction of all that stands in its way.

The killing of Abel by Cain was such an effort. Abel symbolized acceptance before God; Cain, rejection. Cain’s final solution was to silence the voice of the one whose life reflected sanctity.

Joseph represented the special favour of God. His brother’s final solution was to do away with him.

John the Baptist presented to Herod a judgement that was inevitable. Herod’s final solution was to decapitate him.

Elijah warned Jezebel of history’s warning when decency is mocked. Jezebel’s final solution was to pursue him until he wanted to die.

Jesus represented the voice of God to a corrupt priesthood and to power-mongering political authorites. Their final solution was to send Him to the cross.

To silence the voice that reminds us of our guilt is always the “final solution.”

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