
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cry of loneliness is felt by all...

This is a cry that is felt by all, though better suppressed by some. Our experience of loneliness is universal, and love alone is not the answer.  There is a “beyond” in all of us that love does not satisfy – as wonderful a privilege as love is.

 Author Denis de Rougemonts said, "Love ceases to be a demon only when it ceases to be a god."

In other words, love becomes a scourge when it is idolized as en end in itself.
Yet we still pursue it like a hunter and assume that “that thing called love” is our final trophy. Exalting it in our songs and talking of it in platitudes that it can never equal. As grand an experience as love is , it is not the final answer to loneliness.

We have seen four great gains over the past generation that we have welcomed with a promise and yet disappointment has accompanied each one.

1. Never before have we had such means to instantly transmit content or create desire.
• The incredible has actually happened when men have taken to letter writing because it is called e-mail

2. Age of technology has delivered a bill of goods for which the cost is exacted more in the loss of our peace of mind than in our bank accounts.
• Were intended to free up time for leisure, but less time is spent in building relationships while more                 time is invested in using those conveniences.

3. Medicine has brought us vastly improved means to preserve life, and yet we have lost the definition of life     itself.
• We talk about the right to die when we are mature and hurting without having been given the right to              live when we are fragile and needy.

4. Human sexuality has never been more studied, offered up, and pandered to in public.
• yet, we have never been more confused about what is right or, for that matter, even normal in such                 expressions.

Increased communication capacity, technological advances, progress in medicine and sexual liberation have, all in their own way, only made us a more captive and trivial culture. And still the cry of loneliness is heard from millions of hearts, and love alone is not the answer.

Why then do we suffer the condition of loneliness, and what is the answer?

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